stuart hampshire in Chinese
- 汉普夏尔
- "stuart" in Chinese : n. the Stuarts =the House of ...
- "hampshire" in Chinese : 汉普郡; 汉普希尔; 汉普夏羊; 汉普夏猪
- "stuart" in Chinese : n. 斯图尔特〔姓氏〕。 n. the Stuarts =the House ...
- "emily hampshire" in Chinese : 艾蜜莉・汉普雪儿
- "hampshire co" in Chinese : 汉普夏县
- "hampshire college" in Chinese : 汉普郡学院
- "hampshire county" in Chinese : 汉布夏尔郡; 汉普夏县
- "hampshire gazette" in Chinese : 汉普希尔新闻报
- "hampshire road" in Chinese : 衡州道,于九龙塘,源于英格兰汉普郡
- "hampshire wool" in Chinese : 汉普郡塘种羊毛
- "new hampshire" in Chinese : 新罕布什尔〔美国州名〕。
- "clan stuart" in Chinese : 斯图亚特王朝
- "eric stuart" in Chinese : 埃里克・斯图尔特
- "gilbert stuart" in Chinese : 吉伯特斯图尔特
- "gloria stuart" in Chinese : 葛萝莉史都华; 格劳瑞亚・斯图尔特; 格罗丽亚・斯图尔特; 格洛丽亚斯图尔特 ...
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What is the meaning of stuart hampshire in Chinese and how to say stuart hampshire in Chinese? stuart hampshire Chinese meaning, stuart hampshire的中文,stuart hampshire的中文,stuart hampshire的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by